Friday, November 2, 2007

Returning Resistance until I get my hands on a DualShock3 controller

Sony is allowing developers to patch in rumble support for the (still yet to be launched) DualShock3 controller.

Insomniac just announced that their most recent patch to Resistance: Fall of Man enables said rumble support. Now I just have to wait for the actual controller to hit the market...

I keep hoping that I'll like Resistance, but my day one impressions at launch ranged from depression to ... well, depression. After another week of R&C: Future Tools of Destruction I figure I'll return to rabid Insomniac 'fanboi' status and be ready to give Resistance another chance. Hopefully a meatier controller with rumble feedback will save the day and help me appreciate what other reviewers and fanboys have been raving about.

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