Sunday, August 30, 2009

Day 30: It's a wrap... I aimed for the sun and hit a pigeon

I started the month with the best of intentions. 30 posts about 30 games in 30 days. Then I revised it to 31 in 31 when I realized that August has 31 days.

Alas, my sights were set too high.

I officially credit myself with 23 "units" of blogging over 29 days. In that span, I covered:
  • 19 games that received full treatment of their first hour or two (or demo/trial mode). These ranged from Console to PC to Web to Mobile.
  • 9 games that received brief treatment while covering other topics (2 game platforms, one experimental game portfolio).
  • 2 game platforms (one that allowed creation and user distribution of user generated content).
  • 1 social application that has a meta game for content creators.
So, why did I stop short? I finally lost the battle to work. I brought on a great new client and it turned out that they needed more work than I originally estimated. Good for the pocketbook. Bad for the blogging because I can't talk about client work.

I still plan to get back to Kodu and/or some other game content generation tools this month. I won't promise 30 posts in 30 days, but I will keep active.

Thanks to all the folks who left comments -- I'll keep in touch and I look forward to seeing the next versions of your great, inspiring games.

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