I've updated my game categories on the right.
Games on my radar: This stays the same as before (games I want to play, but don't yet own -- usually because they haven't been released yet, but sometimes due to backlog issues).
- Added: Jericho, Eternal Sonata, Darkness (after checking my Gamefly.com Q top 5); E4 -- the new XBLA game that folks are talking about.
- Added: Habbo Hotel (Web), Portal.swf (Flash App).
- I'm done with Habbo Hotel for several reasons. Mostly because it appeals to teens (and probably people interested in teens for all the wrong reasons). Simply put, it's not fun for me to play. I still do want to do some research on this huge MMO that is helping define the social online experiences of our youth -- and setting their expectations of what the next round of Facebooks, Myspaces, and MMO games will look like. But, I can't justify the time right now.
- Portal.swf was fun -- and in many ways helped make Portal (Orange Box) much more accessible because I got to play with some of the key mechanics, albeit in a 2-d sidescroller space. My one basic complaint was that the nature of the application (flash app in a browser window) made the controls a little flaky when performance suffered or when trying to do some precision aiming while the mouse was near the edge of the screen.
- Added: Orange Box (moving from Portal to Half Life 2), Scrabulous (looking for new opponents), and Puzzle Quest (just started, can see myself spending a bunch of time here even though the gameshell UI can be a little annoying).
- Added: Resistance: Fall of Man (I'm an Insomniac fan boy -- I actually bought a PS2 and traded for a PS3 so I can play the Ratchet & Clank series; but this game still did not capture my interest after a couple hours of play), Carcasonne (victim of Puzzle Quest -- and the fact that I captured all the low hanging achievement fruit), Warbook (see my earlier posts), Overlord (Orange Box and the soon to arrive Ratchet & Clank: Future Tools of Destruction), Halo 3 (same as Resistance: It hasn't captured my interest after a couple of hours of gameplay).
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